This blog is dedicated to those who contributed to the purchase of our missionary bus in Nicaragua. ”Give to everyone what you owe them…if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” Romans 13:7
I grew up singing and listening to the nursery rhyme “the wheels on the bus go round and round” as many of you did as well. The song essentially portrays the various functions of the bus not only as a means of transportation but as a portal of sharing, bonding, and creating deeper connections.
Please join me as I share my perception of each wheel of salvation as it pertains to the Nicaragua mission’s trip:
Wheel #1: There Is No Growth Without Movement
There I was, a month and a half a way from moving to a foreign country for approximately three months. I knew I had to cover a region of at least 150 miles of distance. There were four different communities with an array of needs that required attention in such a limited amount of time. I knew if I wanted to address the matter in an effective and productive way, I would have to purchase a vehicle.
Okay, I had the solution but not the finances to execute it. What to do now?
I decided to make a call to action by reaching out to our community. Without hesitation, more than 40 individuals accepted the call and embraced the movement. They believed in the growth that would come from their good deed.
I have learned over the years that movement in the right direction is the key to success. From the first day we obtained the vehicle, it has been a prayer answered for many, a window of hope for others and as for me, a method to impact the masses.
Was it a good move? I would say, it was a great move!
Wheel #2: Unity Crosses Barriers
Any new endeavor will carry challenges and different levels of difficulty. We only had a short period of time to raise the funds needed. In addition to this, we were told by natives that even used vehicles were expensive. It was important that the van, though previously owned, be reliable; this was going to cost a pretty penny.
To overcome any barrier, a faith that is greater than our fears must be present.
We began the fundraiser believing God would make a way. Shortly after, daily donations began pouring in and individuals that I had not spoken to in years, testified that God had put in their hearts to contribute to the cause. What appeared impossible at one point was now seemingly feasible.
In a matter of weeks, the unity of the body of Christ and friends alike became an unbreakable force. In Acts 4:32 says that all the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their owns, but they shared everything they had. There is nothing like seeing people come together as one. Barriers become mere pebbles on the side of the road, and the smell of victory becomes more potent as unity increases.
We must never lose hope in humanity and its ability to unify. It is within all of us.
Wheel #3: The Courage that Mobilizes
One of the most reassuring verses in the bible has to be Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
There are three major components here:
1. The all-powerful, undefeated, best world record in every category, unstoppable, sovereign God is giving us an order. He is instructing us and providing a fireproof outlet. Would you not follow the orders of a boss who has proven over time to bring success to the company? Would you not pay close attention to his every move because it seems that everything he touches, prospers? If your answer is yes, then I would ask you a follow up question. If our will to obey an imperfect person is determined by a pattern of achievements, shouldn’t our will be much greater when it comes to a perfect Father who has never lost?
He only has W’s (wins) in His book, which means that regardless of how bleak the situation appears to be, the result will undoubtably be the prize of a big and bright gold medal every single time! Therefore, God spoke, and He ordered. We obeyed and mobilized.
2. When God tells us to be strong and courageous is because He knows we are capable of more than what we settle for. Why do we become comfortable with subpar work environments, with mediocre friendships, with disembodied dreams and with a less than desirable spiritual walk? Because we have been conditioned through the ideologies of this world that we are self sufficient and can overcome anything if we really tried. Unfortunately, this is a half-truth many have adopted. The bible says we can do ALL things ONLY through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we can accomplish many things, but it is in Him and through Him. The strength and courage that He is ready to give us is supernatural, allowing us to move in faith when the obstacles are at its’ greatest.
3. Imagine being the president of the United States of America and knowing that you are protected by the secret service 24 hours a day. I gather that the president would feel safer executing orders, speaking during hostile environments and addressing other nations. Even though this is true, there is a margin for error.
Here God is reminding us that He is better than the best secret service detail in the world. He is with us wherever we go. You might not see Him, but He is there. This fact allows us to take risks and confront challenges without hesitation. Why not? The Almighty is right next to us every step of the way!
Psalm 100:4 says “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name”.
In this very well-known bible verse, the psalmist is detailing what a grateful heart looks like. The word “thanksgiving” is preceded by the action word, enter. To enter, we must move but we must move showing gratitude for Who God is in every stage of our lives. An attitude of gratitude produces in us the ability to act from a place of abundance rather than a place of scarcity. A place of abundance will give us the ammunition needed to run, walk or even crawl towards the finish line but never stop.
We joined together with a vision to purchase a missionary bus and today we are a witness of it coming to fruition. How was this possible? Moving in faith, unifying, having courage and an attitude of gratitude.
Thank you all for your prayers, contributions and support in the vision of this mission! To God always glory!
Jeff says
Amen Yeisie
Well said
GOD is Faithfull in our endeavours. We only have to follow GOD’S instructions and trust GOD to do the rest.